Burak Yedekçi - Producer/Director
“For me, it’s all about capturing the moment and sharing beautiful cinematic experiences that resonate life”
Burak Yedekçi is a filmmaker, producer and artist, a graduate of Ege University with a degree in Radio Television and Cinema; Ege University with a master's degree in Drug Addiction and still studying at Çukurova University with a Doctorate degree in Forensic Science (dissertation stage). His interest in the art of cinema, kindled during his time in high school, blossomed at Ege University, where he also shot short films to earn some pocket money. Besides filmmaking, he became involved in photography, psychology and animation. A Master's Degree in health and psychiatry played a big significant role in fueling his passion for science/art in particular. Having graduated, he gave lectures in the fields of cinema, photography and communication science. Meanwhile, he received an acceptance from a forensic science doctorate. During his doctorate, he credited lessons suchlike as crime scene investigation, Crime and Crime science, Autopsy Applications, Forensic Genomics, Imaging Methods Used in Forensics, Crime and Adult Psychopathology, Photography in Criminology and successfully completed these classes. In Turkey and abroad "Greece-Armenia-Bulgaria-Italy-Iran-Georgia-Macedonia-Kosovo-Saudi Arabia" he participated in media and art projects. In 2019, he founded the "SOFILM" company, which produces movies, animations, documentaries and commercials. The latest project, feature documentary film Hasreti Dildar, — was completed about 40 days in Şırnak province — the post-production process is continuing. In 2022, he started the rotoscoping animated film project. He is also working on virtual reality applications at the crime scene as a doctoral thesis. Burak Yedekçi, a member of ''Se-Yap' Film Producers’ Association of Turkey, and has a producer certificate issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Master's Degree
Ege University, Communication Faculty, Radio Television and Cinema
Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Photography
Ege University, Institute of Health Sciences, Drug Addiction
Master's Degree
Usak University, Institute of Social Sciences, Communication Science (not completed)
Çukurova University, Institute of Addiction and Forensic Science, Department of Forensic Science
Forensics Middle East & Africa, Virtual Event
12th National Medical Students Congress, Kuşadası, Turkey
10th National Alcohol and Substance Addiction Congress, Antalya, Turkey
9th National Alcohol and Substance Addiction Congress, Edirne, Turkey